Ribbons for Sam

I'm posting something a little bit different today.
My sister-in-law was recently diagnosed with Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia (CML), a rare and incurable form of leukemia. She's fighting with everything she's got, and she's proven to be one tough cookie... but she could use some support right now.
Sam and her husband Jeremy are the makers behind Match Accessories, and their business has touched so many lives. We all know I'm a visual person, and not the best with words, so if you would like the full story, please see Atomic Redhead's touching blog post.
Now it's time to give back... so I've put together a little something. I have taken some of my old pinup drawings, (a style I used to work in quite frequently) and have reworked them. They will be available for purchase in my Etsy shop starting next week, and all the proceeds will go to help support Sam and her family... It may not be much, but every little bit helps. 

If you feel so moved, please consider purchasing one of these pieces. But if that's not your thing, there are other ways to help out as well:

Purchase a Match Accessories leukemia ribbon brooch. This fundraiser was created by Sam's husband, behind her back, in order to lift her spirits. The proceeds will help to send Sam on a trip to Disneyland and then to support her family and business.
Enter Miss Mae LaRoux's raffle. 100% of her earnings are going to support Sam and her family. You have a chance to win a brooch and a $1,000 gift certificate redeemable in Visalia, California. RAFFLE ENDS APRIL 24TH 11:59 PM
And if you would like to give back on a larger scale:
Donate to Leukemia Research Foundation.Your donation, of any size, will go toward worldwide medical research, patient financial assistance and support programs.

Join the bone marrow registry at Be the Match. All you have to do is provide a few cheek swabs and you are added to the registry. An estimated 1 in 300 will be selected as the best possible donor for a patient.
Thank you, and I hope you consider helping out!


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