
Showing posts from 2018

Future Studio

One year ago today I was participating in East Bay Open Studios.  Just a few short months later, in the midst of house hunting, I attended Sac Open Studios as a tourist.  I made the scary decision to show in this year's event, despite the fact that I know very few people in my new city... so come visit me and see what's up! Today, with the help of some wonderful friends, my awesome husband and I are building a studio in the backyard.  Keep your fingers crossed it will be done in time, and follow my stories on Instagram for construction updates.

Save the Date

Visit me and my studio September 8 & 9! More details coming soon... Look for those guide books later this summer. If you're planning a visit from out of town, I'd be happy to mail you a guide book. Just send me a note!

New Website

My website has need an update for a while now, and I just took care of that! - CHECK IT OUT - I'll still be posting on this  blog, but now I've got a better landing page, and access to my art with less clicks. It's a bit of a work in progress, and I'd love your feedback! Let me know what you like and don't like. Let me know if something is confusing or doesn't load right.

No turning back now...

I've just signed up for Sac Open Studios this September! Moving to a new city means plugging myself into a new community. Now that I'm signed up, I've got a major deadline! I need to take new photos, update my website, set up my studio space, and paint like crazy! Stay tuned for more details.

Something New

The new year has been going pretty well. I still haven't set up a space to paint yet (being a stay at home mom, even part time, keeps me pretty busy), but I've signed myself up for the Sketchbook Project . It is outside of my norm, but I figured something new would be good for me. Follow me on Instagram to catch sneak peeks of my sketchbook as I create it.

Happy New Year!

I feel like I'm in limbo right now. We just moved to a new home in a new city, and I don't know where anything is. I haven't set up a painting space yet. I'm in a temporary position at work, assisting part time from home. My son is home all day with me until he starts preschool in a few weeks, and we're driving each other crazy. Needless to say, 2018 will be full of changes. Here's to being in the moment and letting things happen as they may.